Steam download linux debian
Steam download linux debian

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To my knowledge Steam itself does not do any kind of sandboxing, so I need Firejail to do that job. In other words, the attack surface is huge.Įven if we assume that no Steam games contain deliberate malicious code, some of them will certainly have bugs that can be remotely exploited to break into your computer. Note that playing a game in Steam involves downloading a closed-source program from the Steam store, running that program on your computer while (in many cases) performing complex interaction with untrusted game servers on the Internet. This kind of sandbox is sorely needed for Steam. It restricts write access to disk, restricts access to your home directory and blocks many forms of interaction between the sandboxed program and other processes on the system. This procedure works for me, on my computer, with the few games that I tested.įirejail is a tool to run another program in a sandbox while preventing it from messing with the rest of the system. Hopefully this information will also be useful to someone else. This article is a reminder to myself, in case I forget how I did it. However, I prefer to install Steam manually and run it inside Firejail. In fact steam is available as a non-free Debian package. Not a big deal lot's of people have figured it out. I figured out how to install Steam on Debian 8 (jessie).

Steam download linux debian